Monday, 26 March 2012

Rottnest- penguin Island

Time for a small update!
Besides working, we did a few small daytrips around Perth.

1) Rottnest Island: an island situated near the coast which we explored by bicycle; jihaaa! It was an active but at the same time verrrry chillaxing day; just biking from one desolated beach to another, hills up and
down fighting against the heavy wind, doing some snorkelling , getting to know the quokka's (a kind of walibi that only lives at Rottnest),...

Small history of the Island: The Dutch sailor Willem de Vlamingh who upon arrival mistakenly took the Islands quokkas for giant rats and accordingly gave it the name Rottnest (“rat's nest”). 
I was about to make a joke on Dutch people, but I don’t think Willem de Vlamingh would have been a Dutchman after 1830.

(Click picture for original size)

the bike helmet is not sofia's favourite fashion accessory!
the bike helmet is not Sofia's favourite
 fashion accessory: "do I really have to??"

And posing...


2) Penguin island

This is a very small island where the smallest penguin in the world, a lot of birds and some sea lions live. Not very much to say about it :)

Monday, 19 March 2012

From backpackers to real participants of “Australian life”

After a small month of job and house hunting and some frustrating moments, we managed to settle down in 39 tenth Ave, Inglewood ( 10 minute drive from the city) and start our Aussie life; hurray!!! What does this life looks like? Well, basically the same as yours, but within a slightly different and a bit more relaxed environment :) 

- Home pictures

We live together with another couple (Johan from south Africa and Lara from England, also on a work and travel) and Ales (a guy from Tsjech Republic that's already here for a few years, he used to be a professional football player). They are all very relaxed, friendly people and we get along well.

- Working
As you already know, I'm working in the kitchen of a restaurant. My Australian name is "Soowf" but my colleagues started calling me "Dino" last week when they noticed my mobile phone (just a simple 30 dollar Samsung). 99 procent of all Aussies have an Iphone as you get one for free with a 2 years contract. One of my colleagues (who worked btw 4 years as a cook on the private boat of Nicolas Cage), is going to take Philippe and me in a few weeks to aussie rules , this is football with Australian rules (looks even more boring then watching football). We will see how that turns out, as he has already been dismissed from the stadion for three times :).

- Relaxing
As you see, this includes enjoying the weather, having jammie icecreams, going to the beach after work, wandering through the city center without purpose, reading,... 

-Discovering Perth and surroundings
Last week, we went a day to Swan valley to taste some of the local wines and chocolate. We had a relaxing day but the valley isn't that spectacular.  During a short bushwalk we saw (enthousiastic as little kids) our first (but certainly not our last) kangaroos! Ok, except of the ones on our plates... Alive or dead, untill now, we still like Kangaroos :). This thursday we will visit Rottnest island , where we will hire a bike and discover nice beaches and marine wildlife. 

- Sporting
One or two times a week, we go to "Terry Tyzacks Aquatic centre" in Inglewood, where there's a fantastic Olympic outside pool and a lot of space to relax with a book and some sandwiches or french fries. Besides that, Phil started fitnessing with Ales today and I'm going for a run in the park a few times a week. I decided that I've already got enough fitness at work. I must say that after a few weeks, they don't spare me for being a girl when it comes to lifting heavy things or the dirty jobs (it's not all about making salads and cutting tomatoes). My attempts  ("That really sounds like a mans job doesn't it?") don't work anymore...  Emancipation has it's limits no?

- Meeting people
Perth has a lot of nice places to go out for food, drinks, concerts, parties,... BUT it's all that fucking expensive that we try to resist the cities temptations as much as we can in order to save more money for the trip. But of course, we enjoy getting to know new people and having some drinks, pizza or a BBQ once in a while!